Movie review score

The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box ( 2013 )

In line of Indiana Jones or National Treasure movie in search of treasure 'N' secrets , this movie falls easily into that category. Its about a search of Midas box which is buried deep on earth and the one which is said to turn anything to gold which is placed inside the box. So anyone having possession of this box is said to control the entire world so for the sake it was buried deep down during Egyptian time. There is a key called Amulet which is needed to open the box and a map which shows the place where this Box resides. So our well known Jurassic park fame Sam Neill as Otto is the antagonist in this film who is in search of this search destroying anything that comes on is way. But yet he doesn't have the key amulet to open the box which is currently broken into two pieces and shared among two brothers Mariah Mundi and Felix Mundi. So this movie is about how Otto find these boys and if he is able to get to the midas box finally , if so what happens to the world falls the rest of story.

Movie is adventurous film quiet comical and falls into fantasy genre. As the boys start searching the secret of Midas box , it becomes quiet interesting to watch and movie travels like a bedtime story. Though its not the best one in this genre but sure worth a watch and is very engaging for sure.

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