Movie review score

Geuk-rak-do Sal-in-sa-geon (2007) Paradise Murdered Korean

A Isolated island in Korea called Paradise Highland or Evil island with a least population of just seventeen members live happily as a closed community. They reach to main island only if there is anything important needed from there else they are completely locked down within that island itself. They have doctors , teachers , electrician etc within those small group who take care of each other needs and they cook together and feast along as one large united family. Life goes normal until a murder takes place in a gambling arena in that island. So since no one from outsiders can come and do that , they start to suspect each other , many theories are brought forward in their meetings like ghost stories of cursed women , serial killers etc and some reason as things get tense they start to kill one after the other in misunderstanding till almost all been murdered except countable few. At last when secret revealed about doctors experiment for almost a year in that island things fall in place and answers for all those murders gets revealed.

Movie is very slow but still it just travels . Its rather feels like a family drama though it has killings and horror parts. Visuals are super cool but screenplay could have been far better and they could have prevented unwanted dragging at many places. Still it is one time watch but a average movie only.

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