Movie review score

Kon-Tiki ( 2012 ) Norwegian

A wonderful Sea exploration movie based on 1947 Kon-Tiki expedition where The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl crossed 4,300-mile distance via the Pacific Ocean in a balsa-wood raft to prove South Americans had traveled to Polynesia before Columbus invented America. So  this theory if proved , then it means that America was already invented by Native people called Kon Tiki who the Polynesian tries call Sun of God who traveled from East and brought things to their island. But the only question was on the practical difficulty to travel from America to Polynesia against high tides in sea that too in a era where boats were not invented or there were any model equipments or technology for navigation. So Thor had to travel himself with team of Five to cross this distance over a balsa raft to prove his theory was not wrong. Though he did prove it at the end , that theory was only partially accepted as there were many questions raised on navigation technique , communication etc so his research stays in archive and Columbus still remain as first person to discover America.

The beauty of this movie is that the way it was made close to actual facts to the documentary made on 1950 ( )

This is a clip from original documentary :

I always liked movies on sea exploration or movies depicting life on sea and this movie impressed me so much. 101 days how thor and his team survive through sea was wonderfully portrayed and especially that big whale scene , That strange jelly fish scene were virtually stunning with a perfect BGM and i just loved it to the core. Even when they finally reach the land over the reef was excellently made. This is sure one of best movies i watched based on journey n expedition after cast away n life of pi . This is a movie definitely not to be missed by any movie fan.

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