Movie review score

Cube (1997) :

A very nice thriller involving equations , codes and maths. A large cube like structure holding many smaller cube like rooms within it and people are trapped inside these cubes. All these people are strangers to each other and there would be six doors in each cube . If you open one door it will lead to another adjacent cube and this pattern continuous. These people who are strangers to each other not sure how they been held up here or who is behind all this and they try to make their way through these doors in a attempt to find the exit . But to their shocking , if you happen to pick wrong door there would be lot of boogie traps which would kill them instantly. Just because of that lot of people from that team loose their life by becoming a victim to those tracks. So how those remaining persons in the cube manage to decode the pattern and find their exit falls the rest of the story. Though this movie subject is very catchy like Fermats room , still i feel its been dragged a bit with unwanted sequences but being that said its worth a try for sure as its just like a maze runner and you might feel traveling along with them. I enjoyed this movie ,not the best but at same time not a movie to be missed.

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