Movie review score

Jinn ( 2014 ) : " One shall raise as more powerful then all the kind exist and he shall lead humanity to golden age "

We have seen many movies on angels , demons , Satan etc but for the first time at-least for me i watched a movie based on Arabic mythology related to Islam which falls into both Fantasy cum horror genre . This movie as name suggested is about JINN. As per the sacred books , three kinds of beings were created by god which is Humans from Sand , Angels from Lights and JINNs from Fire. Unlike other creates , Jinns are more powerful then the other two and they have free will unlike others to either choose God or the Devil. Just like Lucifer Jinns were also casted out by God forced to go underground without Interfering with Humans. But its believed that JINNs will raise during the time of apocalypse and when it happens they are the one who would awaken the Death to fight against Human Kind and gain back control of the world. Well this is a short explanation on JINN what i gone through various articles and documentaries.

Coming to this film , this movie created a huge expectation among horror movies fan circle who love watching movies on Mythology and historical characters living through time and space. So being said that the viewers would have definitely expected more explanation to what JINNs are actually and their history behind it. This movie failed miserably to do so except a brief introduction about JINN during title card which is not enough. People love to know more stuff about them and this movie could have had more to it instead they picked a fantasy route where one man rising up against jinns and fighting back to save mankind which is again a very cliche end to it.

Having said that i still loved the story in it and especially the VFX making part was just awesome. Screenplay was good too and i wouldn't say it was slow but rather quiet engaging. When our protagonist Shawn (Dominic Rains) goes through a process as instructed by Church priest to gain his power back that sequence of incidents like traveling between memory and other just like inception was good and was neatly done. Gabriel role was also good who cast as as a savior of Shawn and his bloodline , his role was vital for the movie too.. The fight sequence at many places were excellent and at last scene when Shawn fights back Jinn with his power was really goosebumps to watch. Graphics used throughout the film was brilliant and mind-blowing , no where it felt artificial or unacceptable to watch , it was rather really cool and i believe that is the one which uplifted this film.

Director could have choose less drama over more in-dept details on JINN which could have made a lot more difference to this film but yet this is not a bad movie at all. Definitely its a daring attempt to bring JINN to silver screen in a all new level and i am sure this would be just the beginner a kick-start for many more movies to come on similar subject. Though i am little disappointed that it couldn't talk more about Jinn but yet i could understand this is not a documentary film neither. There is a thin layer which could have been easily a  controversial one when Director blended beliefs of two religion together which i believe would have demanded more field and research work to it , i guess director would have gone great lengths to understand it before making a movie on such subject which definitely deserves a applause. Though there might be many hidden messages in the film or many unknown terms like Chiller , Chaiyateen etc used in this film , the lack of articles pertaining to JINNs prevent us to understand them more. I liked this movie and is definitely a average film and doesn't deserve to be skipped. Can be definitely watched once for the kind of subject it deals with and for the kind of visuals with supporting sound track it has. JINN Just a beginner .


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