Movie review score

Tell Tale (2009) :-

Easily one of must watch thriller movie with such a gripping 'n' engaging plot to it. Movie is about a murdered victim whose heart been transplanted to a donor which takes a drastic impact on donors life played by Josh Lucas aka Terry. We seen many movies based on vengeance with so many different concepts but this one is very different , a new try and right from the start it just kicks in . Movie runs so quickly and doesn't waste much time anywhere with a perfect screenplay. Though sad to see such movies are underrated in IMDB's and RT's yet this is one worth watching thriller movie. There was another surprise to it that the famous Banshee Character Mr.Proctor ( Ulrich Thomsen ) plays a cameo role in it. I read about memory inheritance from a organ transplant few years back and seeing a movie relating to that was a huge surprise. I enjoyed watching this movie , not the top best but definitely a above average one.

Additional facts :

Why do one always compare love to heart but not brain which actually believed to store human memories. Its said that the cells are the ones which store memories and brain is just made out of brain cells and as same way Heart tissue or cells are believed to store persons emotions and memories related to it. There had been so many research going on to prove this out and some links below are for reference. ( Inherited Memory in Organ Transplant Recipients ) ( Organ Transplants Cellular Memory Proves Major Organs Have Self-Contained Brains ) ( Do hearts have memories? Transplant patient gets craving for food eaten by organ donor )

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