Movie review score

Things We Lost in the Fire ( 2007 )

A wonderful feel good movie it is...!! A pleasant watching experience.The lead role is none other then our Che Movie fame Benicio Del Toro ( as Jerry ) pairing with Halle Berry ( Audrey ) . Movie is about Friendship between David Duchovny ( Brian ) and Benicio Del Toro ( Berry ) and how berry takes care of his friends family after he was murdered on a road side brawl while trying to save a innocent women's life. Berry is a heroin addict and he is a childhood friend to Brian , the scenes showing up the friendship and how they care each other was touchy. How berry recovers from his heroin addiction and starts to support his friends family consisting of audrey and two cure children forms rest of the story.The pain berry go through post her husband loss and how berry helps her get through it is heart touching. Movie is quiet a calm drama of love , care and friendship. Scenes where berry cares for the children were wonderfully made.Though the ending felt abrupt still this is one such finest movies made and not to be missed. A must try but have patience to watch through.

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