Oblivion ( 2013 ) : " Slow death , Costly mistake"
A nice Sci-fi movie with same drones , guns we been seeing in many star war prequels. Nothing new of that short. Felt like watching a mix of movies like Skyline , Battleship , Battle Los angles , halo and darkest hour. Especially the climax when our Cruise goes up to visit the command center Tet which is in outer-space , felt nothing different from watching Independence day. At-least there could have been new gadgets and gizmos , but movie failed to deliver that adding to that there were even no aliens in this movie..those laser guns felt like playing some Star troopers video game. More to that the worst draggy screenplay , very slow in nature easily can test your patience level..Movie script was twisted so much thinking of making a mind bending movie but was a big spoiler as it directly let down the total screenplay of the movie. But cinematography was good and some part of the movie was virtually good but not too impressive.Tom cruise as always did his part well but yaa we seen enough of minority report , war of the world and this saga still continuous. Very worst ending in name of patriotism but unfortunately it didn't give that feel at all as by that time we would be just waiting for this movie to end . If you are a sci-fi movie liker and a fan of tom cruise n that you don't have any other good movies to watch, then give it a shot. Else can be safely ignored.