Naveena Saraswathi Sabatham ( 2013 ) - " Latest Torture machine "
Even the title makes no sense at all..there is nothing it relates to the topic chosen , rather it could have been as Naveena Thiruvilayadal but either ways they didnt name it and spoil this legendry movie. One of shittiest movie seen in recent times , Its full of satire and shit , in name of comedy its a complete torture even for a normally going audience. It just cant get any horrible then this..this saga of worst craps seems happening in tamil industry now. When directors are struggling for a chance and budget , these kind of worst movies are insult to their injuries. First half at-least was some what bearable but second half was like shear torture as if like we are chained to a hook in SAW movie trying to escape from the theater. Their concept to mock Thiruvilayadal movie was way too horrible and iphone, Facebook , internet , guitar used by Hindu gods is so painful to watch .
More to it these guys mock hangover 2 movie in a dialogue during second half but failed to realize that this even cant come 1% close to this movie. When they are lost in island , this movie had some scope and could have been easily twisted to a good thriller but even that was failed..!! I really not able to control my frustration and i feel typing more words itself is not worth for this movie. This is a total disgrace to the industry. To pass on a small message for Drinkers .,they could have said it at the title card itself instead why they had to make us sit on such a long movie and finally delivering this small message , unfortunately people who see this movie will have to take a drink because of the huge headpain they get post watching this film. For non drinkers this movie is not for you , for drinkers please go to the theater only at the last 5 min to see the message and you can just come out....there is nothing else in it. There is no CG works in it or hardly one or two places. VTV ganesh was only one comfort in the entire movie but even he does over react at times. Overall this is no cast away movie , neither a hangover movie or i would say this is not even a movie at all. Irrespective of all this , i still convinced myself to rationalize my thoughts to see if there was any one good thing this movie had , but unfortunate it add none and all blanks. If you wanna punish someone, then present them tickets for this movie and send them to it. There is no better way you could take revenge on any. ooooof....Horrible and totally disappointing.!!!!
My rating : 0.5\5
Vidiyum Munn - " Animals hunt when darkness falls "
With so many worst thrillers in recent time , this Vidiyum Munn came out with a difference. A very silent thriller kicks off from the word go and picks up its initial phase very fast as soon as title card ends. This movie reveals life of sex worker and travels around two important characters Pooja as Rekha and young girl Malavika Manikuttan as Nandhini. Lets get into pros and cons of this movie.
***** Spoiler Free ******
Cons :-
1) A very normal script nothing new or different
2) First half was okay but second half dragged a bit
3) So many logical mistakes clearly noticed at the end but one has to convince ourself with suitable answers.
4) Slippery slang tamil from Pooja..irritating at times
5) Over-reaction or too much acting by that little girl. She failed to bring sympathy to that character she lived in.
6) Within 30min of the movie run , surprise element breaks and the rest of the story flows on the same path
7) It was not too thrilling as it was expected too.
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Pooja |
1) Stunning visuals at every frame during first half especially . Hats off to Sivakumar Vijayan for awesome cinematography work
2) Pooja acting was good though dubbing was horrible
3) Introduction of every character into the movie was stunning
4) Though not a gripping movie but still keeps us engaging till last minute
5) The life of sex worker and underworld ganster shown really well .
6) Good BGM and OSTs , slow and beautiful fit perfectly to the stunning visual onscreen. Not too good but not bad too
7) Excellent role by John Vijay as Lankan and he really fit to the role perfectly . Soft spoken antagonist did his role really well.
8) Not to miss mention one person without whom this movie would have been that good , its none other than Vinoth Kishnan as Chinnaiah. Stunning role he did , talks less but more of a expressions , powerful and intense. Every scene he arrives movie just dazzles away. He comes only at few scenes but steals the show totally. Really a good role he played and lived upto the character .
9)The two bodyguards for Chinnaiah , mani and albert added that extra punch to Vinoth krishnan role..
10) Last 15 minutes location , set and VFX works dark clouds were all adds up to the positive side of the movie .
11) Movie might provoke lot of questions within you but the last 5 min , a twist which would explain why everything happened the way it did and satisfies the audience somewhat.
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Vinoth Kishan |
A good movie from Balaji K. Kumar with a vey normal script but with a unusual presentation. Its not the script but the characters brought light to the movie . The right choice made for the character selection could have been a winning factor for this film. Visuals , BGM in this movie adds up and lives up to expectation but not exceptional. This is not a best thriller out there but not bad either. I also heard just now that this movie is a copycat of UK movie " London to Brighton " even the plot sounds similar but sad that i failed to notice any credits given to this at the title card or at the end credits. This is not something new happening here.....!! But keeping that aside this movie deserves a one time watch as it can definitely give the satisfaction for money spent.
My rating : 3.5/5 .
Music Box : ( Theeradha Mounam ) ( Vidiyadha Iravu ) ( Penne )
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Pooja with Malavika Manikuttan |
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John Vijay |
Killing Season ( 2013 ) :-
A killing went wrong on a Bosnian war , A serbian veterans almost dead comes back alive in verge to have his revenge on a american soldier who shot him and how they both face each other run for their live like a cat n mouse game in search for redemption makes the core story of it. With two powerful actors on it Robert De Niro, John Travolta what else we could expect. De niro was cool as always is and even in this age the way he performed his acting is just amazing , this proves that the age is no limit for talent and then the broken arrow n faceoff fame Travolta was just damn amazing to capture the essence of negative role given to him . At times it doesnt hit the logic bell when John expects niro for confession but that said this movie had all to keep you at edge of the seat and finally finishing up with a happy ending. Definitely a must watch and worth every minute. Not best movie but at same time not a movie to be missed. One time watch for sure.
Irandham Ulagam - " Love beyond Boundaries "
A Product from a daring film maker who becomes a meal on dinner table of many critics just for one reason that he steps out of his comfort zone to bring movies in a newer dimension never ever presented to audience before. But that doesnt stop him from making one. Irandham Ulagam ( IU ) is one such experimental film never ever tried before in kollywood , a genre which could be very new to majority of the audience who are never exposed to hollywood movies and for ones who are not aware of a genre called Fantasy. But every start needs a push , a beginning and none would want to step up to do that but Selva did. If lucia is appreciated for first ever mind bending movie ever made in Indian cinema , then it means Selva deserves a same applause too for introducing such a genre to hard core movie loving people belonging to kollywood. Okay lets get down to the movie part.....!!!
Me Not much interested to put in a spoiler by revealing the plot but in short this movie talks about Love story across parallel universe and both story belongs to the core cast Aarya and Anushkha . How their life cross over at one stage when they happen to travel to the other world ( Kind of warm hole ) concept and how love unites them all together forms the core part of the story. Well you would have heard parallel universe , Dual world , time travel , warm hole etc..and we think this always belong to Hollywood , but selva just proved it wrong. If they can make a movie like Upside Down , we made a same romantic fantasy film like Irandham Ulagam. What makes this movie so unique and pleasant is its visuals , from movie start till finish it was damn brilliant . The yellow tone for outer world and blue tone for the real world earth ,then the sky , the planets , flowers , lake , plateau , snow wow..that was dazzling and stunning. Every frame was mind blowing well supported by one hell of a stunning Background score by Anirudh. Yes , that was a best trumph card Selva used. If it was not of anirudh , this movie wouldnt have been this good , lucky to drop Harris J which was the best thing to happen for this movie. Every Visual and BGM just stays in our heart , Felt like a journey though space or a experience listening to Nanny's Bedtime stories . That was pure fun , it had that trademark of Selva's Touch at every frame of this movie. Cinematography is top notch and hats off to the team who put this together , it was meticulously done .
But never would miss to mention CG VFX works throughout the film. I really had a doubt if Selva could pull a best CG works with the budget he has and that he wants to make a fantasy movie like Hollywood , but not sure how , he did pull this up perfectly fine. At first scene when Anushka fights a dog like creature , seeing the grahic work i too felt like yack....!!! but as the movie ran through its course , i really started to get goosebumps and was really stunned by the way CG works are made to perfection. The monster at the mid intermission the Lion was one hell of a creation , even the great director like GDT would want to copy that to his movie. That fight sequence was too good provided it had a stunner BGM with it. I dont say it was 100% CG work like avatar..but it had the best we seen in recent times . One has to be really daring so much to try such a work when most of it involves CG and visuals but he won finally. I was really afraid if this will end up like Ramanarayanan sir film but lucky it didnt. There is a scene i shouldnt miss to mention , when aarya goes to top of a Mountain ( saami malai ) where the gods open a Time travel Portal kind of Warm hole, that particular scene , that mountain , the gods statue that entire CG works for that scene was shear brilliance. I liked that so much .
Well taking about the characterization, this movie didnt had so many character inclusions to it but the leads are always Aarya and Anushkha. Though at times seeing lipstick on aarya lips irritates me but yet most part of the movie he really performed well. The character of aarya varies between two different world one a strong built warrior and other a simple lean polite person. The way he managed both these characters was just awesome , he even toned up his body to look like a warrior which was good. Anushka was a charm , she was beautiful loving caring at one world and a angry , aggressive fighter on the other.She too played her role excellently . The chemistry between the two in real world was so good , the love proposal and the pain they get when they walk away ,the song En kaadhal Thee with visual , the scenes following it were so cool and beautiful. Its just anirudh everywhere...i am sure this film success will go to his contribution as the BGM were so divine and beautiful . Even at second half when Aaarya show anushka picture when they are in forest under heavy snow , that scene was captured so wonderfully well. This movie is a complete feeler , one must just enjoy it but not to think too much into it. This is not one movie were you go watch for story but instead a movie to be experienced , to be felt , touched. Though the scope of Script could have been packed with more punch but that would have spoiled the fantasy element it had and the feel of love it gives. The fight scenes were really good , though this movie didnot had too much lengthy stunt scenes to it , but yet even the smallest ones were all completely satisfying. The climax fight with a big hammer was damn good and was made to look powerful yet natural too.. Good job done by the stunt master and yes the key brain behind all..SelvaR.
Normally a romance subject on a fantasy film does give us a feel of dragging , because unlike hollywood this is a kollyoood which needs some scenes to be placed on purpose to show the love , fun and life people have so no wonder why people might feel the second half felt like slow or dragging but nevertheless it was not. It was rather in that way they intend to show. Moreover the first half script showing Anushkha and Aaarya love was really touching , went on with a steady phase but suddenly the movie completely twists itself and takes us to the other world were things are not normal like in earth , for sure they will feel different at second half. And more importantly Selva did-not use our Indian people for complete second half characterization in the other world which was purposefully done to prevent audience feeling the alternate world too normal giving a locale feel and that really helped to differentiate the parallel stories this movie had. Yes this being something very new to kollywood audience , chances it might give a different feel to it and some even might not like it too. This very common with anyone that when something served new , we tend to take time to get accustomed to it . Takes time but we got to evolve.
Verdict :-
Overall this is one of a very genuine daring attempt by Selva. This is very unique to our industry and if we cant appreciate the effort he took atleast we can avoid humiliating him for the work he did for this and the contribution he did to the Film Industry. Its very rare to see film makers think outside the box and when they do its us who got to pat on their back , so they can provide much better results on upcoming films. But that said , this movie is one worthy entertainer , a very feel good movie , a simple fantasy subject like a life in dreams which just needs to be experienced. Keep your critic brain out before stepping into the theatre , stop doing post mortem of the movie and rather start to feel the wonder it gives by looking at the brighter side . This is really a nice beginning and really hats off to Director SelvaR for standing up to his word and proving it. This is just a whole new beginning. A must watch , a concept never tried before in indian cinema. Dont miss it . Rating : 4/5 .
Once Upon a Time In Mumbaai Dobara ( 2013 )
With a Powerful cast like Akshay Kumar as Shoaib Khan , Sonakshi Sinha ( Jasmine ) and Imran Khan ( aslam ) we can be sure that we are in for a treat. Movie takes of like a neo noir film with Akshay as a underworld Don and how he mentor Imran khan under his wing as a trusted leutinent and how their life get tangled in a love triangle when Ashkay also falls in love with Jasmine without being aware of her love towards Imran. With such a powerful person and a don Shoaib his , and a person who gets what he desire comes to a point whether to get jasmine for himself or to leave way to his protege Aslam forms rest of the story.
Its always akshay acting which remains outstanding and definitely he perfected his acting as a don or a gangster though he imitated himself as D Company boss. His dialogue delivery at some places were so powerful which makes him a dreadful don at same time a playboy. Sonakshi sinha fills in as a entertainer and does her job well. But on a contrary some dialogues in this movie just irritates us a bit and too much to digest.In mid of the movie , it just easily looses its phase and feels like dragged undauntedly. Imran also done his character role well but he still couldn't fit perfect for a gangster role. This is more of a romance and love film then a gangsta film may be a reason it loses its essence combining two different genre mixed up so wrongly. Adding to that is again a very dramatic climax same like many other movies in history but being that said this is not a bad movie at all. Can be definitely watched once for Akshay negative role and his acting and at same time to watch Dazzling sonakshi on screen. Imran khan was a nice filler to the movie and he tried his best. Overall this movie is one another regular romance gangsta drama which will entertain us at parts.
The World's End (2013)
Thought it could be more hilarious and fun movie with Simon Pegg , Nick frost and our watson Martin freeman on it but turned out to be other way...!! Movie is more irrational though started off well it lost its direction in the middle when all things happening around them and yet they go through their plan with golden mile. Felt like yet another sick zombie movie but only difference they are replaced by robots. Even at last finishing was very awkward and doesnt fit much to this film. With such a powerful cast like Pierce Brosnan , Morgan freeman this could have easily been a excellent movie but ended up to waste. Anyways just another popcorn movie to watch if there is no other movies in pending list.
Insidious 2 - " Black widow doesn't sound scary at all nomore "
As we all know thats its prequel was one of scariest movies ever made by James Wan and got critically acclaimed by everyone and for no minute one would step into the theater with no lesser expectation on it. But unfortunately Insidious 2 is a total let down and as there is nothing much to the script has director picks up from where he is left in previous version only change this time the boy goes in search of his father to bring back his soul. The problem here was there is no much gripping screenplay to the script , though they tried to make the scenes be mind bending but still they failed to keep the surprise element to it. People used to get fear in their spine seeing insidious first part but in this movie part 2 people were laughing at most part of the movie that too in a ATMOS theater as if they are watching a comedy movie. At times some closeup shots were really scary but they were countable in numbers only handful and apart from that its was a total letdown. The paranormal investigators character in this movie add up to the comedy part ....bad idea ..!! And there were scenes shot at motion camera or a hand held camera which was pathetic. There is really nothing twist to the climax and yes James wan leaves his option open for Part III which now i am not sure if it would be a good thing to do or not.I feel this is just another normal horror film out there and doesnt stand out of the odds but can be watched once for James Wan and nothing else. Feeling bad that the much awaited movie disappointed me but yaa this is not first time some sequels do that too us. So this leaves Insidious Part 1 to be unbeaten champion now and i would say its a Average movie with rating of 2.5/5 .
Green Arrow ( TV Series ) :-
After a disappointing Series of superheros kind like HEROES i didnt wanted to try superhero TV series for quit sometime , but lately there been so many talks about this series and i decided to watch. In just a week completed a long saga of episodes in Season 01 almost 23ep and in Season02 there were 05ep till date .Starting with cons...
Unfortunately there are so many logic skips even we would stop counting on after a while. Sometimes it might give you that ackward feel too to know what the heck is happening out there. And more over Arrow doesnt wear a mask but strangle that he manages to keep his identify from people easily even when people talk to him so close. Yes he switches of lights in room , he moves in dark but there are so many times he does talk to people face to face and yet none would knew it is Oliver which is very strange. The costume could be more better and when he is ready to invest so much for gadgets , he should consider using a better costume which even superman had switched to a newer gear. First eight episodes will be a epitome of logic mistakes and will drag you a bit but it would slowly starts its phase later on. Oliver keeps on telling more then thousand times " life back in the woods " & " you know what i went through in the woods " which gets to irritating point after a while. Happy that at end of Seaon02 Ep05 he decided to finally talk and share instead of those above irritating quotes. After-all we cant blame such a longest season has few flaws under a ignorable proportion.
Unlike any-other superhero movies , this Arrow does have something in it to keep you entertained all through these episodes. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen (a) Green Arrow was just stunning superb with his mind blowing performance. The way he takes up his character and delivers a kick-ass performance was just osm. The team he assembles on the run John Diggle , Felicity , Sara , Roy were all stunning and he initially starts as a single warrior and now he has a big bunch of team fighting for the good for starling city. I also liked Oliver friend Tommy and Detective Quentin characters in this series. First season he had a definite plan and second season , its kind of lost but he shapes up like a batman for Gotham city. Arrow is just going to fight anything bad in Starling city. He is getting new team , new gadgets and yaa off-course new girlfriends too which changes every episode fortunately :) . Every episode brings a new feel were arrow takes out a new entity in starling city and the way he manages as a billionaire Son of queen family at same time as Vigilante which is what keeps every viewer like us going.
Verdict :
What makes this series more interesting is that they dont tend to spoil the phase of the series by just running few episodes on flash backs of arrow uprising in hoods , but instead they try to mix it slowly with every single episode which doesn't overdose us and also keeps us bit more engaged to know what happened on hood to Oliver. Every episode the transformation of oliver to green arrow is damn good and felicity she just can hack into any database as per her will. The phase of the series was really well maintained and visuals were all stunning especially the shots taken in Hoods.This is no less than Batman begins or dark knight that if you loved Batman then sure you would love green arrow. There is no superpower anyone process and every stunts performed were humanly possible as was shown realistically and may be same reason why many would love this series. I am not sure how it would go from here on but as with the episodes till date was worth watching and i would recommend this to any TV series liker. Don't miss it.
Fav quote :
"My name is Oliver Queen. For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal - survive. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish - to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else. "
Oblivion ( 2013 ) : " Slow death , Costly mistake"
A nice Sci-fi movie with same drones , guns we been seeing in many star war prequels. Nothing new of that short. Felt like watching a mix of movies like Skyline , Battleship , Battle Los angles , halo and darkest hour. Especially the climax when our Cruise goes up to visit the command center Tet which is in outer-space , felt nothing different from watching Independence day. At-least there could have been new gadgets and gizmos , but movie failed to deliver that adding to that there were even no aliens in this movie..those laser guns felt like playing some Star troopers video game. More to that the worst draggy screenplay , very slow in nature easily can test your patience level..Movie script was twisted so much thinking of making a mind bending movie but was a big spoiler as it directly let down the total screenplay of the movie. But cinematography was good and some part of the movie was virtually good but not too impressive.Tom cruise as always did his part well but yaa we seen enough of minority report , war of the world and this saga still continuous. Very worst ending in name of patriotism but unfortunately it didn't give that feel at all as by that time we would be just waiting for this movie to end . If you are a sci-fi movie liker and a fan of tom cruise n that you don't have any other good movies to watch, then give it a shot. Else can be safely ignored.
Things We Lost in the Fire ( 2007 )
A wonderful feel good movie it is...!! A pleasant watching experience.The lead role is none other then our Che Movie fame Benicio Del Toro ( as Jerry ) pairing with Halle Berry ( Audrey ) . Movie is about Friendship between David Duchovny ( Brian ) and Benicio Del Toro ( Berry ) and how berry takes care of his friends family after he was murdered on a road side brawl while trying to save a innocent women's life. Berry is a heroin addict and he is a childhood friend to Brian , the scenes showing up the friendship and how they care each other was touchy. How berry recovers from his heroin addiction and starts to support his friends family consisting of audrey and two cure children forms rest of the story.The pain berry go through post her husband loss and how berry helps her get through it is heart touching. Movie is quiet a calm drama of love , care and friendship. Scenes where berry cares for the children were wonderfully made.Though the ending felt abrupt still this is one such finest movies made and not to be missed. A must try but have patience to watch through.