Movie review score

FAM Movie Review : Killing Them Softly (2012)

Director : Andrew Dominik

Cast : Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta and Richard Jenkins

Our Rating : 6 /10

Hollywood Killing them Softly ( Brad Pitt ) ------> Kollywood Goripalayam ( Vikranth )

Simple Story -> Local Club house card game  -> Robbery -> 2 Guys and one master mind -> Money lost and economy collapse -> Clubhouse Hire a Professional contract killer Brad Pitt ( as Jackie )  ->  Brad Pitt Killing them One by One.

Simple as that..but was dragged for nothing...Very boring and it has nothing in it...!! No Goosebumps nothing..only feeling sleepy all the way. .James Gandolfini  ( as Mickey  ) comes in as a another Hitman assisting brad Pitt but was not scripted properly with  unusual dialogues , unnecessary scenes , useless discussions and talking making the movie drag more. Ray Liotta ( as Markie Trattman  ) comes in as a manager for the club house and we might expect a huge action from him but he just goes for nothing . Problem is there is no proper villan in this movie , unfortunately the negative role Brad pitt has to play the role of protagonist and its was showed like that.  Very normal story but with a powerful cast. If the screenplay and editing had done their job this movie could have been more entertaining. BGM is worst and Brad pitt intro was nothing. Its a Total let off for Brad Pitt fans and for sure was not used properly in this movie . Most of times felt like a documentary film. Worst overall . Not Worth it.

FAM Punch Line : killing them Softly is Killing Viewers Slowly. At your own risk .

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